Chain Driven Live Roller Conveyor
• 1.9” Dia. x 9 Ga. Wall Roller on 4” or 6” Roller Centers with #40 Roller-to-Roller Chain • No. 60 Roller Chain on the Drive • 4 3/4 ” x 1 1/2 ” x 7 Ga. Channel on the Chain Guard Side and 3 1/2 ” x 1 1/2 ” x 7 Ga. Channel on Side Opposite
• “C” Face Speed Reducer–Sealed Worm Gear • 1/2 HP–“C” Face Totally Enclosed Motor (Specify Exact Voltage) • Totally Enclosed Chain Guard • 35 FPM Conveying Speed • Less Electrical Controls • Less Supports
Conveyor shown with optional floor supports
Conveying Surface Between Rail Width Overall FrameWidth
12 1/4"
14 1/4"
16 1/4"
18 1/4"
20 1/4"
22 1/4"
24 1/4"
28 1/4"
30 1/4"
34 1/4"
36 1/4"
15" 18"
17" 20"
19" 22"
21" 24"
23" 26"
25" 28"
27" 30"
31" 34"
33" 36"
37" 40"
39" 42"
4" Centers 10' Length-O.A.
2468 133.40 2241 100.60
2495 137.00 2260 103.00
2522 140.60 2278 105.20
2549 144.20 2297 107.60
2576 147.80 2316 110.00
2603 151.40 2334 112.00
2631 155.20 2353 114.40
2685 162.40 2390 119.00
2712 166.00 2409 121.40
2766 173.40 2446 125.80
2793 177.00 2464 128.00
Per Foot Price
6" Centers 10' Length-O.A.
Per Foot Price
• INTERMEDIATE BEDS Use per foot price of width x required length, supports not included.
• OTHER WIDTHS For“IN-BETWEEN SIZES”, use next largest plus 10%. For widths up to 63”OAW, interpolate plus 10%. For widths over 63”OAW, contact factory for lead time.
• FLOOR SUPPORTS Floor Supports are not included in base price. There are two (2) stationary floor supports required for the first bed section and one (1) support required per bed section thereafter.
• FOR LONGER THAN Use 10’overall length, add extra PER FOOT to base price.
• NON-STANDARDS WIDTHS Contact factory for lead time.
• FOR SHORTER THAN Use 10’overall length, deduct PER FOOT from 10’price. NO DEDUCT for unit less than 5’.
• 2 1/2 ” Dia. Tapered to 1 11/16 ” Dia. x 14 Ga Roller with #40 Roller-to-Roller Chain • No. 60 Roller Chain on the Drive • 4 3/4 ” x 1 1/2 ” x 10 Ga. Channel on the Chain Guard Side and 3 1/2 ” x 1 1/2 ” x 10 Ga. Channel on Side Opposite • “C” Face Speed Reducer–Sealed Worm Gear Chain Driven Live Roller Curve PRICES FOR COMPLETE CONVEYOR INCLUDE:
Conveyor shown with optional floor supports.
• 1/2 HP–“C” Face Totally Enclosed Motor (Specify Exact Voltage) Mounted on 4’-0” Tangent • Totally Enclosed Chain Guard • 35 FPM Conveying Speed • Less Electrical Controls • Less Supports
Conveying Surface Between Rail Width Overall FrameWidth
12 1/4"
14 1/4"
16 1/4"
18 1/4"
20 1/4"
22 1/4"
24 1/4"
28 1/4"
30 1/4"
34 1/4"
36 1/4"
15" 18"
17" 20"
19" 22"
21" 24"
23" 26"
25" 28"
27" 30"
31" 34"
33" 36"
37" 40"
39" 42"
90° 60° 45° 30°
2922 2521 2240 2044
2950 2539 2253 2052
2977 2557 2265 2060
3004 2575 2278 2068
3031 2593 2290 2076
3058 2610 2303 2084
3085 2628 2316 2092
3621 2987 2699 2326
3704 3043 2730 2345
3872 3154 2792 2384
3955 3210 2823 2403
• DRIVE Drive must be mounted on a 4 ft. long tangent. (Specify infeed or discharge.)
Contact factory for lead time.
• FLOOR SUPPORTS Floor Supports are not included in base price. There are two (2) stationary floor supports and one (1) single center leg required.
PRICELIST | 01022019
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